![]() , Recently I was interviewed by the lovely people at the Brisbane Wedding Weekly. Here's a copy of the article they wrote. The wedding speech. Three words that strike fear into the hearts of grown men (and women) everywhere. True, there are some enjoy it and love the buzz that comes from being the centre of attention, but for a great many the thought of public speaking combined with the pressure to come up with a heartfelt and entertaining speech causes nausea, sleepness nights, panic attacks and extreme anxiety. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, then a professional wedding speechwriter, like Anita Stevens, might be your saviour. Anita, who helps people (mostly men) find the right words for the big day, says that people often assume everyone can write a great speech, but the reality is that not everyone can – for the same reason not everyone is a handy man or a good cook. “Some people simply cannot turn what’s swirling in their head into something eloquent and meaningful on paper. Others simply don’t know what to say or can’t find the words to describe how they feel,” she says. And that’s where Anita can help. Anita translates their thoughts, feelings and stories into a well-written speech they can deliver with confidence. While most people agree her service is a great idea, Anita acknowledges that there are some who need a little extra convincing. “I have had a small number of brides tell me they would be very upset if their groom hired a speechwriter and they consider it cheating - but they usually come around after I explain the collaborative nature of the process. “Essentially, I combine my clients’ words and stories with my writing skills so it still comes from the heart and they still sound like them – only better.” Anita says her process also has the added benefit of drawing out the words that many brides long to hear but may not have, had their groom been left to his own devices. “What kind of speech would you prefer? One where he gets up says “Yeah she’s great”, offers a few lame jokes about his best man and then sits down, or one where he talks bout what he loves about you and why you’re The One? Working with a speechwriter can provide an opportunity for brides to hear something unexpected and really beautiful.” Need some help? If you, or someone you know, is struggling to find the right words for the big day, why not get in touch with Anita at Write It For Me on 0418 120 551.
![]() When it comes to wedding speeches the best man speech is usually considered, and expected to be, the highlight of the night. Funny, witty and entertaining in equal parts. But times, they are a changing! A new contender has emerged. The maid of honour speech is on the rise and the ladies are giving the best men out there a run for their money. The best thing about the maid of honour speech is that are no official duties or rules to follow. Yes it needs focus and structure (like any speech) but you can pretty much take the opportunity by the horns and make it your own. And don't feel you have to stick with sweet and heartfelt if you don't want to - the maid of honour speech can be just as funny and entertaining as the best man‘s. Ready my ultimate guide If you’re a maid of honour looking for some inspiration or advice, read my ultimate guide to writing a maid of honour speech in Modern Wedding magazine. Why not have it written? Not much of a writer but still want to give a polished performance? Have your speech professionally written. Get in touch with me and I'll write you a ripper. ![]() If you're a groom or best man, you'll know that writing a wedding speech is no easy task and there's a lot of pressure to get it right. Fear not, help is at hand. Check out my tips on how to write a knockout groom or best man speech on Easy Weddings. Read all the speechwriting tips but still need some help? I offer professional speechwriting services to help you articulate your emotions and organise your thoughts. We’ll work together to create a thoughtful, moving and enjoyable speech that ticks all the boxes. Feel free to give me call in Melbourne on 0418 120 551, or contact me. ![]() It surprises me that some people feel embarrassed to hire a professional speechwriter to help them with their wedding speech. For some reason they feel ashamed for seeking help to say the right words on one of the most important days of their life. “It’s cheating isn’t it?” Clients sometimes ask in hushed tones. Not at all. Do you consider it cheating to hire someone to bake your wedding cake? Or to use a florist to grow and arrange the wedding flowers? Or a photographer to take your wedding photos? Of course you don't. Like many things in life, you hire professionals when you want a top quality job and you know you can’t do it yourself. Why should writing a wedding speech be any different? A wedding speech is an important detail of the day and it can be remembered and talked about, long after the invitation design and flowers have been forgotten so it's worth getting right. For many people the thought of getting up in front of a room of people is terrifying enough, but when you add the extra pressure of coming up with the perfect words, any excitement about the big day turns more and more into dread the closer it gets. So, if you’re a groom, best man or father of the bride and you’re worried about an upcoming speech, here are five good reasons why it’s totally ok for you to hire a professional speechwriter for the big day. 1. You'll enjoy the day more Knowing you have a great speech in your hand will boost your confidence significantly, which means less time on the day worrying and more time enjoying the festivities. 2. You won't embarrass yourself You won’t be the guy who delivers one of those speeches - painfully long or so inappropriately awful that everyone in the room is extremely uncomfortable and talks about you all the way home (and for years to come) for all the wrong reasons. 3. You won't sound like a broken record You won’t repeat tired phrases, corny clichés and recycled jokes that people hear over and over again. We don’t churn out cookie cutter speeches and we don't use templates. We use your personal stories and words to create your unique story. 4. You'll still sound like you - just better! Don't worry, you won't lose any of the sentiment or sound like somebody else. We take note of the words and phrases you use so you sound like you - just better. 5. You'll avoid an expensive mistake It’s not uncommon for couples these days to spend tens of thousands of dollars to create the perfect wedding. Great care is taken with every detail. Why risk spoiling such a special - and expensive - day with a half-baked or rushed speech where the results could be horrendous? So there you have it. I hope you feel more comfortable about the idea of hiring a wedding speechwriter. Personally I think it's a terrific gesture and shows you recognise the significance of the event and want to do a great job. Get in touch if you'd like me to write you a great speech for your big day. ![]() So the big day is almost here. Your suit is ready. You survived the buck’s day. Everything is sorted. Well, except for your wedding speech (gulp), one of the most important speeches you’ll ever make and possibly be remembered for in your life. Hopefully for the right reasons. The good news is the groom’s speech is also one of the easiest. You essentially have two jobs: thank people (read this handy infographic for a rundown on who to thank and why) and pay a loving tribute to your new wife. The bad news is there are plenty of ways to get it wrong. Many of us have sat through one of those speeches, which may or may not have been the result of a few too many pre-speech champagnes (never a good idea). To help you succeed, and ensure any tears your bride sheds on the big day are ones of joy, I’ve created a checklist. If you follow these you’ll be well on your way to delivering a speech that sets you up for years of wedded bliss. 1. Show the in-laws some love Thank your father-in-law for his pearls of wisdom after his speech but also show some gratitude to both parents for accepting you into their family and giving you their blessing to marry their beautiful daughter. Tell them what a great job they did to raise the woman you love and assure them that you will always look after her. 2. Tell her she is beautiful The research is in and it confirms what we already know. Every single bride wants to hear that she looks amazing on her wedding day. There may have been some blood (metaphorically speaking), sweat and tears in the lead up to the wedding and you need to show her that you appreciate the effort. Just don’t mention that effort in your speech – her beauty is effortless, remember? 3. Wear your heart on your sleeve Your new bride is waiting with anticipation to hear an honest, heartfelt statement or two about how you feel about her so make sure you do this. What you love about her. Why she is ‘the one.’ How she makes your life better. And don’t forget to call her “my wife” during the speech – your bride (and your guests) will love it. 4. But go easy on the mush Like any public display of affection, there is a fine line between making people awww and making them gag. Yes it’s about the two of you but you are not the only two people in the room. If you want to recite mushy poetry to your new bride that’s fine – you have every day for the rest of you lives to do it. A good quote or short poem is fine but avoid any cheesy clichés and anything too sappy. 5. Ixnay on the ex-girlfriendsay Avoid any reference whatsoever to previous girlfriends unless you want to create a really awkward atmosphere. Even if you think you’re making a favorable comparison. Don’t. On this day your bride sees you both floating around in a safe and magical bubble where no other woman exists. Don’t burst it. Final words
If you're giving a speech at a wedding, you may be wondering who speaks when and what type of content you should and shouldn't cover. Who toasts to the bridesmaids? Who mentions absent family and friends?
While some people prefer to set their own rules, there is a traditional format that most weddings follow and this handy wedding speech infographic (courtesy of the wedding coach) is a nice little guide. ![]() Via Wedding Speech Coach – get help with groom speech, best man speech, etc.
Struggling to find the right words?
Work with Anita to create a thoughtful, moving and enjoyable wedding speech that you can deliver with confidence. For more information about her speechwriting service call 0418 120 551 or email Anita. |